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A Guide to Implementing Temperature Detection Systems

Battling the Pandemic Requires New Technologies and Thinking

A Guide to Implementing Temperature Detection Systems

In our continuing blog series on these pages, ASAP Security Services is committed to educating organizations on real technology solutions that can help curb the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. We have been working closely with the technology suppliers that are working hard to leverage existing technologies and develop solutions that can help organizations, facilities, and services function as normally as possible in these unprecedented times.

We have already discussed the promise – and the challenges – with body temperature detections at scale. As businesses, schools, companies, sports, performing arts, and events all want some ways to operate as before safely, one way of screening for pandemic symptoms is elevated body temperature detection. As we've noted, it is not just a simple matter of installing the right types of cameras in your Houston facilities. The technology needs to be set up correctly, and every organization must have a detailed plan of what they do with people that don't pass the screen.

In this blog, we’re going to cover these implementation issues in greater detail. If you are looking at ways to implement thermal temperature detection systems to help your organization get back to a reasonable level of regular activity with the right precautions, we encourage you to read further in this continuing series on technology solutions to combat the spread of COVID-19.

How Access Control Solutions Can Help Curb the Spread

Touchless Entry and Contact Tracing Can Be Effective Tools to Avoid Community Spread

How Access Control Solutions Can Help Curb the Spread

The challenges around fighting the spread of COVID-19 have been immense. Yet, in some areas, it has accelerated the adoption of technology solutions that have helped mitigate the problems. One example is the widespread use of video meetings and collaboration to enable people to work remotely. While not ideal in all situations, the success of that in many workplaces has caused some employers to rethink their workforce strategies, which could result in more future opportunities for work from home for many for whom it would be highly beneficial.

Other businesses and organizations have thought of contactless solutions to keep business going. Stores like Best Buy have heavily promoted online ordering with efficient store pickups, where just about all physical contact with personnel or the store is eliminated.

In a similar vein, many areas can be rethought for minimizing physical contact that doesn’t add value. Automatic doors eliminate pulls and touching handles, automatic flushing toilets, faucets, and soap and towel dispensing reduce physical contact in bathrooms, and other examples abound. And these things already exist; they do not require unproven new technology, but do require a willingness to replace existing infrastructure for long-term benefits.

Another technology that is proven and can provide rapid benefits is access control. Touchless access control for secure entry has existed for years. And with the advances in today’s software and integration with other intelligent security systems, it can also help in the fight against the spread of COVID-19 in the Rio Grande Valley and throughout Texas.

Keep reading to learn more.

How to Evaluate Body Temperature Camera Solutions

The Technology Can Play an Important Role in Fever Screening, But It’s Essential to Understand Implementation and Limitations

How to Evaluate Body Temperature Camera Solutions

Since 1947, ASAP Security Services has been supplying sophisticated and integrated security solutions to large and small organizations across the public and private sectors throughout Texas. In the battle to keep everyone safe in this unprecedented pandemic, we have been working with the most promising technologies to bring workable solutions to the table.

One much talked-about area is temperature screening. Fever is one of the most telltale signs of a potential COVID-19 infection, and if you've been to an in-person doctor visit lately, you have undoubtedly been checked for fever. While fever is not the only sign of a potential infection, it's one signal that can certainly be an effective screen to take additional action.

In previous blogs, we’ve discussed some of the limitations of body temperature cameras and looked to dispel some of the hype around the technology. Nevertheless, we think this solution, properly implemented and integrated with related technology, can help your Austin organization maintain a safer community as you look to resume regular operations.

Keep reading to learn more.

Responding to COVID-19 with Technology Solutions: Face Mask Detection

Using Sophisticated Video Analytics to Increase Safety

Responding to COVID-19 with Technology Solutions: Face Mask Detection

The COVID-19 pandemic has presented unique challenges not seen in the U.S., perhaps since World War 2. Here in Texas, as businesses, schools, and other organizations reopen, the problem is how to get society back to regular patterns while maintaining health and safety.

Fortunately, technology can offer solutions. While it’s safe to say that none of the technology solutions currently at our disposal are perfect, they can be a tremendous aid in getting life back to normal parameters without creating undue friction in the economy and life in general.

While wearing face masks is unpleasant for most people, we know that it can help protect against the rampant spread of the virus. One issue that has emerged is how to enforce the wearing of face masks in places where distancing is difficult - like production facilities, schools, restaurants, and many other places – without employing many people or putting others in uncomfortable positions.

Advanced video analytics, like the type that can detect faces and objects, may help. If your organization is wrestling with how to ensure face masks are being used in your facilities or premises in San Antonio, read on for mask detection solutions that may help.