Why Commercial Video Surveillance Is the Best Way to Protect Your Business
Here Are The Top 3 Reasons to Protect Your Company with Automated, Integrated Video Surveillance

You work hard for your business. It is your pride and joy, and as such, you must protect it. We can help. At ASAP Security Services, we specialize in commercial video surveillance. We also carry only top brands and solutions to help our clients protect and secure their businesses!
We have been offering commercial security solutions in Katy, TX, and in the Greater Houston metropolitan area since 1947! So, we know the technology, and also the city, its people and businesses, and their priorities when it comes to commercial security.
If you are looking to protect and secure your business, or to update its existing security, here are three reasons why commercial video surveillance is the way to go!
SEE ALSO: Protect Employees and Your Bottom Line with Commercial-Grade Security.
Crime Deterrence against Internal and External Threats
We all have seen CCTV footage of crimes committed against businesses across Texas. We know video surveillance works! Smart cameras, access control points, and alarms help us hold criminals accountable. But what about the crimes we don’t see?
Through their presence alone, video surveillance systems act as powerful crime deterrents against many potential threats. Cameras will keep most thieves away. The sound of an alarm will too.
As a business owner, you know not all threats come from outside. For example, a disgruntled employee could cause havoc by messing with the company servers. Or by pretending to slip and fall and suing for damages. Cameras in the office, along with monitoring online communications, will keep anyone from trying. Also, in the event of an actual accident, you will have invaluable evidence for any claims related to your property.
Real-Time Remote Surveillance and Monitoring
There is a lot more to any business than the office. People and information (digital and physical) are both invaluable resources, and protecting them is an essential aspect of commercial video surveillance. Doing so remotely and in real-time is the most secure and effective way.
Using integrated security platforms like Alarm.com, companies can monitor their business and employees around the clock. But how will you ever go through all that footage? Easy! Modern security systems use automated video analytics to spot, record, and report relevant information for you.
For electronic security, monitoring network devices helps guarantee business integrity as well. With the right equipment, you will be notified about any suspicious activity in real time. Directly on your smartphone!
A Cost and Time-Effective Solution for Optimal Efficiency
To achieve both time and cost effectiveness, video surveillance systems must be integrated, automated, and tailored to each individual business. Installing a camera by yourself at the office won’t work. Going through security footage on your own will take all day. You will need both a trusted brand and the help of an expert to have a proactive, easy-to-use system.
At ASAP Security Services, we carry brands like Alarm.com, Bosch Security, Honeywell, DSC, 2GIG, and more, and we have worked with clients ranging from small businesses to police stations and city hall. Whether it is a single camera or an entire system, we can help you too, so why not contact us and find out what we could do for your business?