3 Places Where a Gunshot Detection System Adds Security Value
Create a safer and more secure environment for employees and students using this advanced technology solution

As gun-related violence and gun crime cases have risen in frequency over the years, law enforcement officers, private security companies, schools, businesses, and the military have begun implementing sophisticated gunshot detection systems that can pinpoint the date, time, location, and gun type of a gunshot.
Gunshot detection technology that sends real-time alerts to local law enforcement can significantly reduce the time it takes for police and other security enforcers to respond to a shooting. And in an active shooter situation, a few saved minutes can translate into a more than a few saved lives. Keep reading to learn three Houston, TX, environments where gunshot detection adds security value.
SEE ALSO: Protect Your Building From the Unexpected With a Gunshot Detection System
1. Primary Schools
Sandy Hook Elementary School in 2012. Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in 2018. Santa Fe High School in 2018. And, of course, the brutal mass shooting that first shook the nation — Columbine High School in 1999. Tragically, primary schools have been the most frequent scenes for horrific shootings that have cost dozens of children their lives.
Gunshot detection technology helps police officers respond effectively to the situation by providing them with the exact date and time a gun was fired, the gunshot’s location, and even the type of gun used. The system triggers other protective measures, like activating lockdown processes and sending mass notifications to teachers and students with instructions. A fast and efficient response is the best protection schools have when an unexpected tragedy strikes.
2. Universities
In 2007, 32 people died at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech), killed by an active shooter. Unfortunately, it’s incredibly easy for shootings on campuses to escalate quickly. On large school grounds, word-of-mouth isn’t a sound method to ensure everyone is moving to safety — in fact, an uncoordinated response could cause students to run toward danger if they don’t know where the shooter is.
A gunshot detection system is a sophisticated solution for disseminating crucial information across sizeable campuses. When the system detects a gunshot, it triggers a mass notification to all students, urging them to immediately find a safe place. The system also sends the gunshot alert and an exact location to the police, providing the responding officers with a starting point to begin the search when they arrive. On expansive school grounds, having a starting location saves crucial time for officers tracking the shooter.
3. Airports
The primary security concern in airports is that there’s a lot of square footage to secure, combined with a large number of people. Even with metal detectors and surveillance cameras located inside the airport, an armed individual could slip in the front door unobstructed. And since airports are traveling hubs, it’s not unusual to see people walking around with large bags or suitcases that can easily conceal a firearm.
Gunshot detection technology enables law enforcement and airport security officers to respond swiftly to the exact location a gun was fired. The system can also trigger automated lockdown measures that lock all exits, preventing the shooter from escaping the area.
Gain peace of mind knowing your Houston, TX, school, or building is protected with a gunshot detection system. Contact ASAP Security Services to discuss bringing this technology to your location. Call us, fill out an online form, or live chat with us here.