Why Your School Needs a K12 Mass Notification System
Communicating with Your Community Has Never Been So Easy

Your Houston, TX school community relies on you to have the proper protocols in place in the event of an emergency. We know that the safety of your students, faculty, and staff is one of your greatest responsibilities, and we’re here to take some of the weight off your shoulders.
Installing a K12 mass notification system makes communicating with your entire campus—and students’ parents, too—much easier in the event of an emergency and can even save lives. In this blog post, we share three benefits the right mass notification system will bring to your school. Let’s get started.
SEE ALSO: 3 Tips to Make Sure Students Don’t Ignore School Notifications
Awareness of and Protection from Nearby Threats
If you really want to stay one step ahead of any security threats, it’s critical to be aware of any dangers surrounding the area of your campus. This can include robberies of nearby homes or businesses, fugitives on the run, or any other type of police pursuit. Your students and staff need to be aware of these situations so that they know to stay indoors and be extra vigilant.
A mass notification system makes it easy to alert your school community when a potential threat is nearby. Your system even makes it easy to contact local authorities and initiate lockdown procedures.
Clear Communication During Times of Crisis
When there’s a threat on school property—like an active shooter, for example—the students, faculty, staff, and parents of students in your school community need to know so that they can take the appropriate actions to protect themselves and stay informed. Having a mass notification system installed helps you notify your entire campus during an emergency and make sure only accurate information is shared.
Proper Planning for Weather Events
Not all threats are man-made! Sometimes Mother Nature takes over and leaves you having to adapt your daily operations. Fortunately, in many cases there’s more time to plan when it comes to weather. If heavy rains or extreme heat are going to disrupt your students’ ability to get to school, use your mass notification system to update your school community of weather conditions and your plan of action.
Communication is crucial for success in daily operations at your school. If you’re ready to bring the power of a k12 mass notification system to your campus, ASAP Security Services is prepared to help. Start the process by giving us a call, filling out our online contact form, or chatting with an expert in the pop-up window below to schedule a no-obligation consultation.