How a Gunshot Detection System Works to Protect Your School
Save Lives by Preparing for the Worst With a Gunshot Detection System

Unfortunately, school gun violence is on the rise throughout the country. After reading headline after headline of school-related tragedies, the Dallas, TX, education department and individual schools must grapple with how to make their schools safe while also staying productive centers of education. Gunshot detection systems help protect a school in the case of an active shooter. Though you hope never to have to use them, it’s best to have the systems in place to save lives in case violence hits your school. Keep reading to see how a gunshot detection system can protect your school and save lives if an active shooter ever enters your school.
SEE ALSO: Protect Your Students and Staff With a Weapons Detection System
Detecting Gunshots
The threat of gun violence is very serious, and it’s crucial for students and staff’s physical and mental well-being that there are no false alarms. Modern gunshot detection sensors use dual-validation, zero false-read technology. They analyze energy levels and waveforms to differentiate gunshots from similar noises, such as a car backfiring. With this technology in place, you know that you’ll never have a terrifying false alarm disrupt the day and cause panic among students and staff. When the system goes off, you know it’s real and can react accordingly.
Send Location to Law Enforcement and Emergency Centers
When the system detects gunshots, it immediately triggers many actions so that the threat will be contained and dealt with swiftly, which leads to saving lives. One of the first things the gunshot detection system does is use acoustic, infrared, and optical sensors to send the shooter’s location, type of weapon, number of shots fired, and more to the necessary law enforcement. This crucial information leads to a swifter response.
Instant Notifications
The detection system will also immediately send alerts to all authorized staff and users to immediately take the necessary precautions to protect themselves and the students. These instant notifications help staff across the school react immediately and will lead to fewer casualties.
Localized Lock-Down
A gunshot sensor will integrate with your security system to lock down the area surrounding the shooter. This will prevent the shooter from being able to access other areas of the school, keeping others safe and the threat contained. In addition, keeping the shooter in one location makes it easier for law enforcement to locate and neutralize the threat.
Tracking the Threat
In addition to locking the immediate area down, your security cameras will start live streaming to keep an eye on the shooter’s location. This makes it easier for law enforcement to find the threat and for school staff to react appropriately.
A gunshot detection system is a security system you hope you’ll never have to use. But with the rising number of gun violence in schools, you need to be prepared for the worst. When violence like this occurs, quicker response and more information can save lives, which is why a gunshot detection system is necessary.
Contact ASAP Security Services today to protect your Dallas, TX, school, students, and staff with a gunshot detection system.