Ensure the Message Gets Through With Mass Notifications
Learn How You Can Keep People Safe and Manage Emergency Situations

Communication is a crucial element of success for any operation. Whether you manage security for a school campus, corporate complex, or processing plant, keeping everyone informed improves safety for all concerned.
While tried and true methods such as digital signage, speakers, and radio broadcasts can alert people to emergencies and evacuation instructions, their reach is limited. Rather than rely on individuals to be listening to a station, or be within earshot of announcements, mass notifications over the digital domain are more effective.
Are you looking for a better way to keep your community informed and safe? Then continue reading to discover how.
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The world has changed since the first emergency notification systems were introduced. Where once someone could be out of touch for hours, now we have advanced communication tools with us at all times. Utilizing cellular SMS, social platforms, and custom apps, you can effectively alert everyone.
Once a detector or regional alert identifies an incident such as a violent altercation or significant weather event, you can instantly reach every student or employee. When reports get to the outside world, the natural tendency is for folks to flock to the site out of concern for loved ones. Our advanced systems allow you to send precise instructions to those on the line of fire and informational updates to the region at large, keeping everyone up to date and out of harm's way.
When a school or facility goes into lockdown, it can be challenging to ascertain which classrooms are occupied and the current situation. By having direct contact with individuals or designated parties, such as teachers or floor managers, first responders and administrators can send and receive updates.
When a message is sent, recipients respond with Yes or No answers and send details like location and number of people present. In situations where quiet and lack of detection are vital, the specialized apps that send and receive texts are kept silent, allowing for a dialogue without the device's default alerts and sounds.
Sending a false or misleading message or to the wrong location is just as dangerous as a system failure. With a remotely managed network, you can prepare content, confirm dispatch and catch errors before they cause confusion during critical moments.
ASAP Security Services is dedicated to keeping communities like yours safe and secure. Are you ready to ensure your emergency messaging gets to those who need it? Call us at 877-418-ASAP or fill out a contact form online to start the conversation. We look forward to working with you!