What Security Solutions Does Your School Need in 2021?
Winter break is a great time assess your current safety and security needs and make necessary upgrades

A new year is a time for fresh resolutions. How about resolving to finally update your school’s security systems to better protect the teachers, staff and students under your care? Intelligent, sophisticated technology solutions can help you feel prepared to handle modern threats facing River Oak, TX, schools in 2021. Keep reading to learn why access control, fever detection and surveillance are necessary components of an updated and refreshed security system.
SEE ALSO: 5 Things to Consider when Deploying Fever Detection Systems
Access Control
Hundreds of students, staff, teachers, administrators, visitors and vendors pass through your school every day. In a time when mass shootings are more common than we’d like them to be, an access control system can help you monitor the entryways, exits and traffic flow of all school buildings. Safeguard valuable or sensitive areas with a unique keycode or biometric scan, document and log all visitors and where they go, receive alerts when a door is left open, and implement school-wide lockdown measures quickly and efficiently in an emergency.
For greater protection, integrate access control with other security measures like video surveillance and mass notifications. Opening a side door while class is in session can trigger doorway security cameras to start recording and send a notification to the appropriate administrator. A lockdown scenario can trigger text notification to all students and teachers that the school has been locked down and to stay where they are.
Fever Detection
We’re not out of the woods yet with the coronavirus. As many scientists predicted, the fall season and cooler weather brought another virus outbreak sweeping through the country. Over winter break, case numbers may continue to rise as cold weather keeps everyone indoors, and holiday gatherings put more people together in larger groups.
When the new school year begins in 2021, a fever detection solution will be necessary to screen students, teachers and staff for fever and avoid a school-wide outbreak. To ensure greater protection, we recommend integrating your temperature screening system with access control. Standalone kiosks positioned around entryways can be automated to allow students and staff access to the building after passing the screening.
Video Surveillance
Sprawling school campuses are incredibly hard to secure with school security guards or hallway patrols between classes. Human eyes can’t be everywhere at once. Fill in the gaps with coordinated surveillance cameras overlooking entryways, exits, hallways, outdoor recreation areas and parking lots. Today’s advanced smart cameras provide the same level of proactive monitoring that an in-person guard does. With artificial intelligence and machine-learning technology, your school cameras can alert appropriate administrators when suspicious activity is detected, day or night. Sophisticated, intelligent cameras also have facial recognition and license plate recognition capabilities. And as the fight against the coronavirus continues, surveillance cameras can also detect mask compliance to identify teachers or students not adhering to safety guidelines.
Let ASAP Security Services help you protect your students, teachers and staff around-the-clock. Learn more about our fever detection and school security solutions by calling 877-418-ASAP or filling out a contact form online.