Robust Access Control Provides the First Line of Defense

Austin ISD, one of the largest school districts in Texas, has moved quickly to address security issues. The district’s interim superintendent Matias Segura spoke with KXAN about the needed changes. “We adjusted our operational procedures so that whenever there is a deficiency identified, whether it is a door that may not be locking or a camera that is not working, it becomes a priority and is addressed in a very short time.”
Regarding additional safety upgrades, she stated, "I think, unfortunately the challenge that we have is it can't happen soon enough.” Integrating newer, cutting-edge technology takes time, yet it’s this technology that’s required in today’s school environment. Projects to begin in August 2024 for schools in Austin, TX, include better fencing and door locks, upgraded security systems, and security vestibules—a form of access control.
This latter upgrade is critical, providing the first line of defense when protecting students and staff. And, while security vestibules offer administrators control over who gains access, additional access control measures provide a needed layer of protection. Let's look at a few of the critical security features it offers.
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The role of an access control system is to keep those with ill intent off the school grounds, whether intending harm to staff or students, vandalism, or theft. It does this by securing the school’s perimeter at each entry point. A well-designed system should make it impossible to enter without authorization while convenient for students and staff.
Electronic access control systems offer the best security. Commonly, students use RFID-equipped ID badges to gain access. More advanced systems allow access via students' and staff's smartphones.
An access control system allows security personnel or designated administrators to lock down certain doors or every door in the school with the press of a button. These systems also offer remote access, enabling staff to take quick action via their mobile device, whether at the school or off-site.
This remote capability also enables suspicious activity push notifications to be sent directly to security and designated personnel. The locks can also be programmed to go into automatic lockdown should an unauthorized person attempt to gain entry.
Administrators can control who gains access with a few clicks on an easy-to-use dashboard, removing or adding individuals effortlessly. They can also manage early release and student tardiness from these platforms.
A robust access control system integrates with national criminal databases, custom blocklists, and custody instructions, ensuring every visitor is discretely vetted. If someone is flagged, a text alert goes to security and administrators.
The dashboard lets you know who is on the school grounds at any time and why. When integrated with high-resolution video surveillance, schools have a bird’s eye view. Security receives an alert if an access point has been breached and can immediately look at the live video feed to determine the threat level and take action.
At ASAP Security Services, we’ve designed security systems for schools across Texas since 1947. To learn more about options in access control or to schedule a site survey, contact ASAP Security Services today.