Obstacles to Implementing Effective Fever Detection (and How to Overcome Them)
There’s a lot that can go wrong with implementing an effective temperature detection system — learn about common problems and how to solve them

So your Waco, TX, business has decided to implement a fever detection system to help keep employees, visitors and patrons safer. That’s excellent — at ASAP Security Services, we’re dedicated to assisting commercial organizations all across Texas find high-tech solutions for stopping the spread of the dangerous coronavirus.
A properly installed, calibrated and implemented temperature screening system can be a highly effective tool to detect potentially ill people and stop them from spreading the disease to others in the vicinity. But to be effective, your business needs to put a plan in place to address common problems that may cause stumbling blocks down the road. Keep reading to learn 3 issues that crop up when implementing a fever detection system and how to solve them.
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Problem: Other Factors Can Affect Body Temperature
Fever detection technology uses thermal mapping to detect elevated body temperature. It’s not a foolproof solution because multiple factors can cause a person’s body temperature to fluctuate — including hot and humid Texas weather, fast-paced exercise classes, and even some medications.
One way to ensure a more accurate temperature reading and reduce errors is properly calibrating the system. Advanced calibration uses a controlled reference temperature — called a blackbody — compared with temperature readings from specific locations on a person’s face to detect differences. Another solution to ensure fewer errors is advanced camera analytics that takes an accurate temperature reading from the corner of a person’s eye, instead of their skin.
Even controlling for as much accuracy as possible still leaves room for errors. We recommend having dedicated staff members on hand to run additional screenings for people who are flagged at a high temperature.
Problem: I Don’t Want to Put My Employees At Greater Risk
The purpose of a fever screening solution is to keep all employees and customers in your business location safe, which is impossible if you have to deploy staff members on the ground floor to stand by and monitor the system. Luckily, solutions like stand-alone temperature kiosks can be completely automated. They use voice control to instruct incoming visitors where to stand for the screening and send the appropriate managers an alert if the system flags someone.
You can also implement a solution utilizing advanced video analytics with cloud management so that employees can process and monitor the screenings from a safe distance.
Problem: Not Everyone With the Coronavirus Has a Fever
While fever is one of the primary symptoms of coronavirus, not everyone who has the virus contracts a fever. Asymptomatic carriers may feel perfectly fine and potentially spread the virus to other people for up to two weeks without knowing it. That’s why we recommend that fever detection not be the sole tool in your coronavirus response toolbox.
In addition to temperature detection technology, we recommend using mask detection and social distancing technology to enforce recommended health guidelines in your business location. A comprehensive system with smart cameras and integrated video analytics software can detect elevated body temperature, masks and social distancing all in one streamlined solution.
At ASAP Security Services, we have the high-tech solutions your business needs to help combat the coronavirus and protect the health, safety and security of your employees, customers and the public at large in Texas. To schedule a consultation with our team, call us at (877) 418-ASAP or fill out our contact form.