Make Workplaces Safer With Antimicrobial Coating Products
Use antimicrobial film coatings to help curb the spread of disease from high-touch surfaces in the workplace

For business owners and managers with employees heading back to the office in Texas, the number one question on their minds right now is this: how can I make the workplace as safe as possible for my employees and staff members?
At ASAP Security Services, we’ve been keeping you up-to-date on all the latest solutions to help combat the coronavirus’s spread — read up on mask detection solutions and temperature screening systems to see if they’re right for your business. Today, we’ll discuss another technology solution designed to keep workplaces safer and more sanitary: antimicrobial films that cover high-touch surfaces.
Keep reading to learn more.
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How Antimicrobial Films Work
Antimicrobial technologies are substances that inhibit or destroy the growth and reproduction of microorganisms like bacteria, viruses, mold, mildew, fungi and other pathogens. Microbial films contain silver ion technology that blocks humidity to prevent the development of germs. Why should businesses invest in antimicrobial coating products instead of cleaning and sanitizing high-touch surfaces with disinfectant products?
It would require an incredible amount of time, physical resources and human resources to follow strict sanitation guidelines for high-touch surfaces in workplaces that see frequent, high-volume traffic all day. In between cleanings — even regularly scheduled cleanings — there are countless opportunities for employees and guests to touch surfaces and potentially spread illness-causing microbes.
In contrast, antimicrobial films adhere to surfaces and continuously work to resist and kill microbes that are transmitted every time someone touches the material. Coating products are long-lasting, non-toxic and safe for human skin. They can last for up to 5 years without replacement. In the office, antimicrobial films can be applied to:
- Control panels for office equipment like printers
- Touchscreens and touchpads
- Computer screens
- Doors and door handles
- Telephones
- Elevators and elevator buttons
- Restrooms
- Break room countertops and chairs
- And other high-contact surfaces
Health and Safety Benefits
High-touch surfaces in common public areas like office buildings are breeding grounds for the growth and spread of harmful pathogens. The CDC has stated that COVID-19 can spread when someone touches a contaminated surface and then touches their face, mouth or nose. Symptoms can take up to 2 weeks to appear, so it’s possible for an infected employee to unknowingly spread the virus to other high-touch surfaces around the office. Additionally, we’re entering flu season here in Texas, and the flu is another virus that’s transmittable through high-touch surfaces.
Antimicrobial film technology can help reduce the spread of dangerous viral and bacterial infections among large groups of employees returning to the office workplace. It’s one solution of many that employers can deploy to safeguard their staff members’ health and well-being.
At ASAP Security Services, we have the solutions your Texas business needs to help combat the coronavirus and protect the health and safety of your employees and staff members who are back at work. To schedule a consultation with our team, call us at (877) 418-ASAP or fill out our contact form. We look forward to working with you!