Emergency Communication Systems Create Safer Learning Environments
Discover How Crisis Response Platforms Go Beyond Notification By Engaging Everyone

A solid education is critical for building a brighter and more prosperous future; the experience should foster knowledge and personal growth. Administrators, educators, and parents strive to make their schools a place where young minds can develop and flourish; keeping them safe means facing ever-increasing threats.
Creating learning environments where children and young adults feel free to focus on their studies and learn valuable life lessons takes a community. At ASAP Security Solutions, we look for systems that protect lives and property and invest in long-term systemic changes. That is why we work with emergency communication system partners like CRISIS GO and AND for comprehensive coverage that deters, detects, and de-escalates before tragedy can strike.
Are you looking to make your Lubbock, TX schools safer and more proactive? Then continue reading below to learn more.
SEE ALSO: Keep Unwanted Visitors Off School Property With Access Control
Prevention and Intervention
The rise in school violence, whether initiated by outside intruders or current students, has its roots in mental health issues. While access control, intelligent surveillance, and gunshot detection sensors report problems as they occur, identifying worrisome actions in advance can stop an event before the damage is done.
The use of safety intervention management tools not only protects the community from violent outbursts but can also help struggling individuals get support and life tools. Through anonymous reporting of suspicious activity, overheard conversions, or direct knowledge of plans, you’ll be able to deter incidents. With this valuable information, your mental health team can respond with immediate interventions and develop strategies to assist throughout the student's academic career.
Responsive Communication
During an active incident, security needs to know two things, the location of the intruder(s) and the lockdown status of classrooms. Two-way communication and the ability to send and receive clear and concise information, is essential.
Notifications via text or designated devices can be sent to teachers with questions on students and classroom conditions with one-touch replies. Your team can collate the responses and formulate extraction plans based on situational needs.
After the threat has passed, individuals can respond to questions about their current location, whether or not they are safe, or in need of medical assistance. Authorities can prioritize emergency response while keeping an accurate accounting.
Recovery and Reunification
When an event has been contained and defused, the process of reconnecting parents with children can begin. This activity is, naturally, fraught with anxiety, tension, and the desire to have our sons and daughters back in one's sight and held close.
Preparing tools that keep the community informed with clear instructions and notifications is key to making the process quick and secure. By combining the oversight of administration monitoring, sharing data with first responders, connection to student accounts, and parent notification, your team facilitates reunification seamlessly.
Building Safer Schools and Brighter Futures
True safety comes from collaboration; our team is dedicated to securing our communities so everyone can prosper. Are you ready to build safer schools and brighter futures? Start the conversation by calling us at (877) 418-ASAP or filling out our online form. We look forward to working with you.