Video Surveillance is a Crucial Component of School Security Systems
Explore why video surveillance is an absolute must-have in addition to your other school security protocol.

Does your Lubbock, TX, school need video surveillance in addition to other security measures, such as alarm systems and mass notification technology? At ASAP Security Services, we absolutely recommend video components when it comes to protecting your school.
Security cameras not only create documentation of everything that happens on your campus but can also deter criminal behavior. Keep reading to find out why surveillance cameras are non-negotiable regarding school security and the safety of your students and staff.
SEE ALSO: 4 Commonly Asked Questions About School Video Surveillance Systems
Incident Deterrence
School safety begins with prevention, and incident deterrence is a significant benefit of employing a video surveillance system. By placing cameras in strategic and critical locations, it's possible to prevent would-be crimes, ranging from theft to vandalism. If something of that nature were to happen, you could utilize your surveillance footage during the investigation.
Security cameras can also stop issues like bullying by allowing the administration to research incidents and carry out disciplinary action as necessary. Parents will be pleased with the swift and accurate reaction to all on-property incidents, as well as the level of security your campus has invested in its students.
Safety During Emergencies
Though school emergencies are relatively infrequent, schools need to be as prepared as possible should an event take place. If something does happen, and your school requires lockdown or complete evacuation, upgraded security cameras can identify the location of all students or every available exit.
Video surveillance gives you eyes all over your school, inside and out, which is impossible otherwise. Cameras and the ASAP Security Services live monitoring team will help you ensure that you always know what's happening at your school.
Access Control Assistance
Installing a video surveillance system will provide a nice security cushion to your access control solutions. By integrating cameras and points of access control, you will have the capacity to track everyone who enters the school via visual records and system-confirmed credentials. Most schools today have resource officers or security guards, and cameras provide much-needed support and the freedom to focus on key locations.
Attendance and Activity Monitoring
The students on your campus fall under the scope of your responsibility concerning after school-activities. While teachers, coaches, club leaders, and school administrators remain dedicated to monitoring students coming and going from extracurriculars, video cameras and advanced AI can help make current tracking methods foolproof.
Surveillance can support the efforts of your hard-working staff by verifying attendance visually and assisting in locating students who are not where they're supposed to be at a specific time. Keeping careful track of attendance during school and activities after brings peace of mind daily, not just in the event of an emergency.
Add Video Security with ASAP Security Services
Your students, staff, and parents deserve the knowledge that you always know what's happening on your school grounds. With a video surveillance system from ASAP Security Services, they'll gain it. We go above and beyond to place cameras in the locations your school needs them most, so stop into one of our many locations or fill out our contact form today!