The Benefits of School Security Monitoring Services
Keep a Watchful Eye on Your School 24/7 to Deter Violence, Crime, and Vandalism

From smaller elementary school buildings to sprawling high school campuses, school security has become the top priority. The challenges and pressures schools face have become increasingly difficult as random acts of violence continue. An article in The Washington Post revealed that over 1,150 guns were brought into K-12 campuses in the 2022-2023 school year. That’s an average of six guns every day.
Unfortunately, those are only the reported guns. Many, many more are undoubtedly making their way onto school grounds undetected. And the number is rising. In the Arlington Independent School District in Texas, only one gun was found on its campuses the year before the pandemic. That number rose to 19 in the 2022 school year.
It's an all-too-common scenario leading to an all-too-often unanswered question: how can we protect our school children and staff? The bottom line is there is just not enough security personnel or the budget to provide for them. That’s where school security monitoring services can offer extra eyes and support. Let’s explore how these monitoring services can help protect schools in Lubbock, TX.
SEE ALSO: How to Choose a Security Monitoring Service for Your School
Uncovering the Cause and Possible Solutions
At ASAP Security Services, we’ve been a leading state-of-the-art security provider throughout Texas since 1947. Our SecurED podcast was developed, in part, to get an inside look at how staff and parents can help play a role in a successful security plan. We talk with lawmakers, school administrators, and security experts to uncover what’s really happening, how to find the weak points, and examine city budgets and officer shortages.
We also provide a state-of-the-art monitoring service where certified monitoring professionals keep an eye on schools 24/7. Why? Because there are not enough people on the ground to fill this role. Yes, staff and parents can help, but the day-to-day observations that need to occur until we’ve come up with a solution to escalating violence require a proactive measure.
The Role of Security Monitoring
Through video monitoring, these security professionals keep a watchful eye on schools. AI video surveillance technology offers insights into when a student may be carrying a gun or what a bag on school grounds after hours might hold. Not only do they keep an eye out for potential violence, but they also respond to medical emergencies, bullying, and possible drug use, alerting school authorities and first responders.
Our remote monitoring stations are strategically distributed across all time zones, ensuring they remain dependable even during power outages or schools in storm-affected or natural disaster areas. Because of our attention to this type of detail, we’ve received The Monitoring Association’s Five Diamond Accreditation.
Remote/Central monitoring means certified security personnel watch over your school 24/7. It’s a proactive measure that deters crime and vandalism during school and after hours. It helps ensure unauthorized visitors stay off school grounds and students stay on them. To learn more about our security monitoring services or to schedule a site survey or complimentary consultation, contact ASAP Security Services today.