Reduce Anxiety and Increase Safety With Security Alarm Monitoring
Get Peace of Mind With a Total Protection System for Your Business

When it comes to the daily responsibilities of running a business, the safety and security of operations and employees are paramount. The threats are genuine, and one incident can put you back weeks or even cease operations.
You may think installing standalone burglary alarms and internal surveillance cameras are sufficient protection. Unfortunately, most of these systems simply alert you to the presence of trouble, and by the time you can react, the damage has been done.
A security alarm monitoring service provides you with proactive and reactive responses that protect property, quicken response times, and stores evidence.
Are you ready to make the upgrade for your Houston, TX company? Keep reading below to learn more.
See Also: Benefits Of A Fire Detection System
Prepare Now
You undoubtedly are concerned about the welfare and well-being of your staff, clients, and vendors. Still, national crime studies show that the majority of small and medium-sized businesses harden their safety systems only after an episode occurs.
Covering every area of a facility or keeping watch over busy spaces requires a combination of boots on the ground and video surveillance. Your staff cannot be everywhere, and work activities often distract from keeping a keen eye.
Smart Surveillance
While the installation of clearly identified cameras and alarms has been shown to deter some crimes, their influence diminishes once they are recognized as passive recordings. You could have all notifications of trespassing, forced entry, and suspicious activities forwarded to your mobile device, but this takes away from your responsibilities of running and growing your business.
A remote monitoring service adds a team of dedicated agents who review alerts, archive content and guide authorities via live stream when needed. Using camera systems and advanced sensors, the off-site human operators look over every notification, distinguishing between actionable offenses and false alarms.
In addition to reporting as trouble occurs, the built-in artificial intelligence (AI) recognizes activities that point out potential crimes. By off-loading the workload and stress of ensuring everyone's safety to professionals, you can rest easy and focus on the job at hand.
Working with ASAP Security Services gets you more than cookie-cutter hardware and installation. We do a thorough risk assessment of your properties and operational needs before any sales or suggestions. Are you ready to have a safer workplace while saving on insurance costs and deductibles? Talk to our expert team for a consultation by calling (877) 418-ASAP or filling out our contact form. We look forward to working with you!