Fire Alarm Installation Mistakes to Avoid For Your Home
Don't Let These Slip-Ups Compromise Your Fire Alarm System

Fire can be extremely dangerous if it gets out of hand and spreads throughout your home, as it can lead to damage of property, affect your lungs or even result in death. To avoid such a terrifying outcome, it would be best to add a fire alarm to your Houston, TX home, so you can nip the problem in the bud as soon as it detects the first signs of smoke. Fire alarm installations can be tricky if you're doing it for the first time, which is why we have compiled a list of common mistakes you should avoid.
Installing Detectors Near Ducts
False alarms from poorly placed smoke and heat detectors can frustrate tenants, and after a while, they begin to dismiss the beeping as a nuisance instead of considering it as a warning. The key to preventing false alarms is to ensure you choose your location wisely. Smoke detectors should not be placed near windows, doors, ducts, or any ventilation system because air can cause the alarms to malfunction.
Installing Detectors Near Kitchens And Bathrooms
You might think it is smart to place the alarms near areas that are at risk of catching fire, such as the kitchen. But it is recommended to place smoke detectors and fire alarms at least 3 meters away from places such as bathrooms and laundry rooms as they can be a source of moisture that damages the system. When it comes to kitchens, you should place the detectors at least 6 meters away as the oven and stove can trigger false alarms.
Not Covering All Areas of Your Home
Basements and passageways, for example, are frequently neglected when it comes to installing fire alarms. They are, however, just as vulnerable to catching fire. For this reason, a fire detector should be installed on every floor of the house, as well as in each bedroom. When it comes to basements, alarms should be installed on the roof directly above the foot of the steps going to the next level to ensure you can get sufficient warning.
Skipping Maintenance
Once you have the system set up in the right way, don't forget to ensure you maintain it properly. As part of your routine checks, you should test the alarms and change their batteries every 6 months. In the long-term, replace the alarms every 10 years.
ASAP Security Services is available to provide you with premium alarm consultation and installation services to ensure your home is sufficiently protected. To learn more about fire alarm systems or to schedule a complimentary consultation, contact ASAP Security Services today.