Enhance Your Security with Business Lighting Control
Keep Your Business Secure and Help Your Employees Feel Safe

Sure, installing a business lighting control system in your office makes controlling your lights easier and cuts down on energy costs. Did you know that a lighting control system can increase security and safety, too?
As employees start to make their return to the workplace, business owners in Houston, TX and all over the nation are thinking about ways to keep security tightened so that nothing bad happens in their building. In this blog post, we’re going to share three ways that a business lighting control system can help you deter unwanted intruders and make your employees feel comfortable if they end up staying late.
SEE ALSO: How to Increase Workplace Productivity with Lighting Control Systems
Integrate Your Lighting Control System with Motion Sensors
The goal of security systems and business lighting control is to scare away any unwanted intruders. When you tie your lighting control system to motion sensors, you’re more likely to deter criminals from breaking into your building. Why? Criminals are less likely to make a move if they know attention will be brought to their activity.
Motion sensors trigger your lights to come on in certain parts of your building—inside and outside—when motion is detected, exposing the intruder and stopping them in their tracks.
Control Your Lighting System from Anywhere in the World
One perk of a business lighting control system is the ability to have remote control from anywhere in the world. Let’s say your smart security system alerts you tosuspicious activity on your property. Simply turn on your lighting system on your smartphone from the comfort of your home to trick criminals into thinking your business is occupied.
From there, you can take the proper steps to secure your business again, like alerting local police or checking smart surveillance cameras.
Keep Employees Safe with Pre-Set Schedules
No business owner wants their employees to feel unsafe in or around their building. A business lighting control system makes both you and your team feel more comfortable arriving or leaving a well-lit property.
On the lighting control app on your smartphone, you can easily schedule the lights in your building to turn on 15 minutes before anyone would arrive for work in the morning and turn off an hour after the end of the workday for anyone who stayed late. Motion sensors also make your team feel more comfortable entering your building and reduce your energy costs at the same time.
A safe business is a productive business. Bring the power of a business lighting control system to your building today and enjoy productivity boosts and energy savings. Get started today by giving us a call, filling out our online contact form, or chatting with an expert below to schedule a no-obligation consultation. We look forward to serving you!