Beyond People Counting: Additional Benefits of Occupancy Sensors
Sensors Save Your Business Money, Keep You Secure, And Provide Valuable Data

Until very recently, having a detailed understanding of your establishment’s total occupancy was a regulated necessity. While coronavirus restrictions are now lifting, there are still many uses for commercial occupancy sensors in your Memorial, TX business.
Occupancy sensors (also called motion sensors or vacancy sensors) havea number of commercial applications beyond counting the number of folks who have entered or left a room. The devices help with cutting energy costs and as a front-line detection for security systems. Sensorsalso provide that most valuable asset for a business:data.
Would you like to find out more about how your commercial endeavor can benefit from sensors? Then keep reading.
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Sensor Basics
Sensors come in two basic types:passive infrared (PIR) and dual technology. Each type has distinct capabilitiesthat make it best suited for an application. Depending on the environment needing coverage, it may be necessary to mix types to provide the best results.
PIR units detect temperature differences(mainly heat) in a space as objects(namely humans) pass by them. As heat energy can dissipate relatively quickly in more open areas, these detectors are best suited for smaller spaces with few barriers. Affordable and straightforward to use, they can be placedin many everyday settings with high airflow and direct line-of-sight exposure.
Dual technology units combine PIR and ultrasonic technology. The ultrasonic waves assist in detecting indirect motion over a larger area. These sensors useDoppler effect readings. Much like radar, advanced units can give you information on the direction of travel. These sensors are more accurate for larger areas with obstructions and can cover open spaces effectively.
Save Energy And Money
Occupancy sensors are most often used to comply with state and local ordinances for energy savings and safety. The US Department of Energy recommends that lights should be extinguished after 10-15 minutes of inactivity.
Ensuring that unnecessary lights get shut off is smart for the environment and good for your bottom line. On average, light control sensors result in a 25-45% reduction in energy usage. Even in the land of cheap electricity, this is noteworthy.
Movement Metrics
As a business, knowing how people act and react in your establishment is valuable information. Humans act in ways we cannot always predict. They wander around, they bump into people and things, they form lines for unknown reasons.
Occupancy sensors provide metrics; when attached to diagnostic software, they can help you untangle traffic patterns and flows. Discover why certain areas of the store are more crowded than others or see how you can make better use of a new space.
Make the Move
Are you ready to take charge of your business environments? Call us at 877-418-ASAP or fill out our contact form for a free consultation. See how occupancy sensors can improve your commercial space.