4 Areas of Your Campus Where You Need Video Monitoring
Protect Your Students & Faculty With Advanced Security Measures

School administrators have their hands full with meetings, testing, accreditation, and a plethora of other tasks meant to keep a K-12 campus running smoothly. Keeping your Houston-area campus safe is an unfortunate measure you must also add to that essential to-do list. However, the task can seem overwhelming without the proper tools or security partners.
With video monitoring, ASAP Security Services can help you keep an eye on your Texas school without adding more stress to your daily operations. Read below to discover four areas of your campus you can add security cameras and video monitoring to so your students, staff, and faculty are better protected all year round. Keep reading to learn more.
SEE ALSO: Get Ready for the New School Year with a School Surveillance System
1. Hallways
As students move from classroom to classroom, the hallways fill up, and that’s when mischief can happen. Loitering students, shoving, and pushing are all by-products of amped-up kids moving from space to space, so keeping an eye on these areas is imperative. By adding video surveillance cameras to hallways and other passing areas, you can monitor and view live footage and send recorded footage to parents or law enforcement officials after an incident occurs.
2. Staff Break Room
Even though staff and faculty undergo rigorous background checks, their break rooms are still common areas where issues occur. Whether it’s a heated argument or students finding their way inside, having surveillance monitoring in the area keeps incidents from getting out of hand.
3. Gym
Students often bring valuable items to school and leave them in their lockers during gym class, and many fights can occur while playing sports in the gym. Adding security cameras to the entrances and exits of these areas ensures anyone carrying something out that they didn’t enter carrying is noticed.
AI-enabled cameras can also capture quick movements and crowds, so once the system detects these actions, administrators will receive a text alert of the activity. They’ll be able to swiftly respond to altercations or anyone sneaking around the gym that shouldn’t be there during specified times.
4. Parking Lot
Unattended vehicles are a popular spot for crimes of opportunity, so adding monitoring to this spot with wide-angled night vision surveillance cameras makes sense. Whether a fender bender or students cutting class in the middle of the day, the footage is automatically uploaded and saved to the cloud. Advanced license plate recognition technology can even take note of idling cars at the edge of the parking lot and determine visitation patterns, entries, and exits.
Adding video monitoring technology to these four spots on your campus will ensure a quick and efficient response to vandalism, fighting, and more dangerous threats that concern the modern classroom.
To protect your campus, contact ASAP Security Services today!