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Articles in Category: Bullet-Resistant Film

Bullet-resistant film adds a powerful layer of protection against break-ins and natural disasters. Reinforce campus windows to safeguard students and staff.

Enhancing School Safety with Bullet-Resistant Film on Campus Windows

Explore a Quick and Inexpensive Way to Boost Security and Add Peace of Mind

Enhancing School Safety with Bullet-Resistant Film on Campus Windows

Ensuring the safety of students and staff on campuses nationwide is a top priority for schools, and those in Amarillo, TX, are no exception. With the increase in violent incidents and inclement weather, more than just cameras and sensors must be implemented.

One popular solution is installing bullet-resistant security film on windows throughout campus. Designed to protect windows from shattering, security window films can provide additional security to classrooms, administrative offices, and other school buildings around your facility. Read on to learn more.